Manufacturer: Sciroxx
Substance: Testosterone Suspension
Pack: 10 ml vial (100 mg/ml)
What is Testodex 100?
Testodex 100 is produced by Sciroxx. Its active ingredient is Testosterone suspension.Testosterone Suspension is an injectable steroid and is the most used by athletes and bodybuilders.
Testodex 100 is a steroid indicated for the testosterone replacement therapy in males with deficiency of testosterone. The benefits from the therapy with testosterone suspension do not lie only in replacement of testosterone but also in increasing muscle mass and strength and enhancing athletic performance. It is different from other testosterone derivatives in terms that it comes in form of suspension and not ester and after dissolving the suspension in water the injections are more concentrated and therefore, painful. More over, while testosterone cypionate or enanthate from 100mg will yield 72mg of testosterone in the blood, testosterone suspension releases 100mg of testosterone and makes it extremely beneficial to the user. Taking into consideration the fact that it contains 100% testosterone, it may suppress the natural production of it in the body and due to its strong anabolic/androgenic properties it may increase the possibility of developing gynecomastia and other estrogen-related side effects. It is important to use concurrently aromatize inhibitors such as Arimidex or Letrozole.
Possible side effects with Testodex 100
Testodex 100 may cause side effects, but their frequency, duration and intensity is different from person to person. Testosterone suspension has strong androgenic properties and has the ability to aromatize into estrogen. Therefore, there is an increased risk of developing gynecomastia, acne, and other estrogen related side effects. In order to diminish this risk it is recommended to supplement the therapy with aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex and Letrozole.
Possible side effects with testosterone suspension are the following:
• Pain and inflammation at the site of intramuscular injection;
• Aggressive and dominant behavior;
• Nausea or vomiting;
• Hypertension and increased level of cholesterol;
• Depression;
• Insomnia;
• Worsening of liver function.
Indications of use and doses
Since Testodex 100 needs to be dissolved in water, it becomes effective right away. But, in comparison with other testosterone derivatives, testosterone suspension is very short in action and needs to be injected on daily basis. In order to benefit most from the therapy with it, all the users have to inject testosterone suspension two or three times a day. The most effective dose usually ranges from 350mg to 1000mg per week, which means 50mg to 140 mg per day. As already mentioned, since testosterone suspension is dissolved in water, which yields 100% testosterone in the body and makes the injections very painful. It is recommended to mix the testosterone suspension, which is a water-based steroid with an oil-based steroid in the same syringe in order to alleviate the pain from the injection. Therefore, it is recommended to practice site rotation and inject in the same spot only once per week. From this perspective, testosterone suspension is not confortable for daily use. The duration of using testosterone suspension depends on the expected results and on other medical conditions of the user. Generally, the length of use of Testodex 100 is from 6 to 12 weeks, but it can be used longer than this.
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